Prof. Dr. Şafak Sahir Karamehmetoğlu - Dr. Hasan Hüseyin Gökpınar Summary Sarcopenia, coined by Rosenborg, means muscle loss, muscle reduction, and its most important cause is aging. The World Health
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Dr. Sebahattin Işık Summary In the transition from Government Medical Officials to Health Offices, then to Health Centers, and finally to Family Practitioners, the aim was to strengthen the role
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Doç. Dr. Mehmet Akif Sezerol, Dr. Sabanur Çavdar Summary The performance evaluation of healthcare services is a topic that never loses its relevance. Although we tend to think of the“performance
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Urlu, M., Tan, H., Golab Foroush, A., Alsancak, U., Çetinkaya, E., Hayran, O. (This study was presented in the 7th International and the 25th National Public Health Congress in Antalya,
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Summary The history of the Refik Saydam Hygiene Center from its establishment to the present day has been discussed, along with the reasons for its current status. While addressing the
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Summary Starting from human creation, human beings constantly take the necessary precautions to ensure that their internal functions are materially and spiritually in a balanced and healthy situation, in addition
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Summary The aim is to shed light on Türkiye’s health status based on OECD health statistics. By comparing the current data with those of ten years ago, both cross-country comparisons
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Summary The World Health Organization (WHO) is a byproduct of the reshaped world after the Second World War. With the establishment of the WHO, the world began to share information
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Summary According to demographic and epidemiological transition theories, many premature deaths due to preventable causes have been prevented and life expectancy at birth has increased during the third stage of
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Summary Blood transfusions play a critical role in various medical procedures, and ensuring the compatibility and safety of donated blood is of paramount importance. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI)
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